Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Emergency Generator & Building Design

Design Duration: 03.5 years
Full Design


The Department of Veterans Affairs San Francisco contracted ADC to replace all of the existing equipment as follows: replace and increase capacity of emergency generator and ancillary components. This project is a total re-design of the emergency system in Building 203.

Detailed Project Scope

The VA wanted to upgrade to a larger generator that can satisfy all loads and all calculated future loads for Building 203. Since the generation system in Bldg. 203 also feeds redundant power to Building 200, ADC included enough power to feed the demand.

ADC gave the VA three separate design options for the replacement of all equipment. The recommendation was to use option 2 – relocation of Genset to a new building (ADC also designed a new building). Options 2 increased efficiency, and had minimal impact on existing operations and meet the va performance design criteria(s). Additional benefits included: more effective mechanical cooling/exhaust system, natural acoustic attenuation by partially building into the side the hill, greater space utilization and future availability of a green roof on the new building.

This design included the development of a full concrete building which housed the generator, ATS, fuel transfer equipment, cooling and exhaust systems. This design was developed within the specified budget provided by the VA, and reflected all present NFPA codes and standards. Construction was completed 02/01/2013.

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