Company/Client: SAP
Location: 3410 Hillview Drive, Palo Alto, CA
Type of Contract: A, M, E, P, S, QC
Project Scope
ADC provided a high-level engineering audit of the SAP data center located at their 3410 Hillview Drive building in Palo Alto. The audit focused on evaluation of potential energy saving strategies compared against PG&E baselines to assess the level and magnitude of improvements to mechanical and electrical systems to maximize PG&E rebates.
The challenge for ADC’s team was to provide a detaile dand comprehensive report to the client that addressed specific options and their feasibility and viability (i.e. installation of air-economizer adapted to the existing HVAC system, modification of aisles/racks to optimize cooled air delivery, etc.)
ADC provided detailed report and design options with associated construction cost estimates for the recommended improvemens as well as ROI calculations and summarized energy savings and PG&E rebates/incentives. Additionally, the report identified potention Tier 1/2/3 energy saving measures that ranged from little to no cost to heavy capital improvements.
On time, on budget, value engineering, energy reduction